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Collector's suits | Food

Merricks Estate


Merrick is a local Felthriir farmer and owns a huge farm estate that looks big enough to support quite a sizable population. His fields range for miles in all directions from where the farmhouses sit around the dusty path that travels through. Due to the size of his land Merrick is always looking out for help on his farm even though he appears to have plenty of farmhands already. His farm specialises in producing a significant number of vegetables to feed the people of the Trium Isles and has a fair variety too. As payment for work, Merrick allows a worker to take a portion of what they pick. Merrick also supports the local tailors by producing cotton, which like the vegetables and fruits also needs a willing volunteer. Mrs. Merrick, known as Kemenra, often watches from her kitchen and is always ready to have a good chat with anyone who comes to pay a visit, she even allows the use of her kitchen and offers tips on how to cook better.

Work LinksHarvest on the estate, Plantation,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsEsserian Fields, Hunters Cave,
Can Build?Yes
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp13